
Every Friday I pick a paper from the ACM Digital Library that is found by the search term +connected +2005 +"mobile device" +"user interface", and write a brief discussion of it. Why? Because it makes me actually read them.

virtual journal club: "Connected Mobile Devices UI"
Friday, June 03, 2005
A context based storage system for mobile computing applications 

Sharat Khungar University of Oulu, Finland
Jukka Riekki University of Oulu, Finland

ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review archive
Volume 9 , Issue 1 (January 2005) table of contents COLUMN: Special feature on MOBICOM 2004 posters table of contents
Pages: 64 - 68
Year of Publication: 2005

In this paper, we describe a novel context based storage system that use context to manage user data and make it available to him based on his situation. First, we examine several existing systems that use context with documents. Subsequently, a new storage system is presented that uses context to aid in the capture of and access to documents in mobile environment. We describe file browser and calendar applications that we have developed within our mobile computing infrastructure utilizing the features of context based storage. Novel features of our system include the access rights mechanism for data and support for group activity.

My Discussion:
A nice paper about a system that actually implements some ideas about context-based computing. The system described, CBS, is layered on top of a replicated distributed storage system that can work on wired computers and handhelds, making it appropriate for experiments in including contextual queues like location, time, and participants as metadata to store files.The actual applications do not get many page inches, but already hint at interesting crosslinks between data retrieval and occasions, like storing files with pointers to a meeting so that returning to the meeting becomes an entry portal to the files, that currently is not so easily done. I would like to see future work in this system.

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