Florian Wegscheider Telecommunications Research Center, Vienna, Austria
Thomas Dangl Siemens österreich AG, Vienna, Austria
Michael Jank Kapsch CarrierCom AG, Vienna, Wien
Rainer Simon Telecommunications Research Center, Vienna, Austria
International World Wide Web Conference archive
Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on Alternate track papers & posters table of contents
New York, NY, USA
Pages: 272 - 273
Year of Publication: 2004
This poster presents an overview of the work on an interaction manager of a platform for multimodal applications in 2.5G and 3G mobile phone networks and WLAN environments. The poster describes the requirements for the interaction manager (IM), its tasks and the resulting structure. We examine the W3C's definition of an interaction manager and compare it to our implementation, which accomplishes some additional tasks.
My Discussion:
There is a school of thought that posters are just failed papers that tried again. This poster either invalidates that principle or is an exception, because it is hard to see how a multi-page paper could be less interesting or even fun. The poster describes a system of which the goals seem very ambitious: multi-modal in that it combines GUI interactions with speech, multi-user enaled for collaborative experiences like gaming, device independent programming for display on devices including WAP and regular web, and still allowing the programmer fine grained control. It seems contradicting and the poster, of course, has not enough room to show what applications actually look like. Unfortunately there seem to be no other papers by these authors currently in the ACM library that show more of MONA applications.
Florian Wegscheider Telecommunications Research Center, Vienna, Austria
Thomas Dangl Siemens österreich AG, Vienna, Austria
Michael Jank Kapsch CarrierCom AG, Vienna, Wien
Rainer Simon Telecommunications Research Center, Vienna, Austria
International World Wide Web Conference archive
Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on Alternate track papers & posters table of contents
New York, NY, USA
Pages: 272 - 273
Year of Publication: 2004
This poster presents an overview of the work on an interaction manager of a platform for multimodal applications in 2.5G and 3G mobile phone networks and WLAN environments. The poster describes the requirements for the interaction manager (IM), its tasks and the resulting structure. We examine the W3C's definition of an interaction manager and compare it to our implementation, which accomplishes some additional tasks.
My Discussion:
There is a school of thought that posters are just failed papers that tried again. This poster either invalidates that principle or is an exception, because it is hard to see how a multi-page paper could be less interesting or even fun. The poster describes a system of which the goals seem very ambitious: multi-modal in that it combines GUI interactions with speech, multi-user enaled for collaborative experiences like gaming, device independent programming for display on devices including WAP and regular web, and still allowing the programmer fine grained control. It seems contradicting and the poster, of course, has not enough room to show what applications actually look like. Unfortunately there seem to be no other papers by these authors currently in the ACM library that show more of MONA applications.
# posted by Unknown @ 4:01 PM
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