
Every Friday I pick a paper from the ACM Digital Library that is found by the search term +connected +2005 +"mobile device" +"user interface", and write a brief discussion of it. Why? Because it makes me actually read them.

virtual journal club: "Connected Mobile Devices UI"
Friday, March 19, 2004
Sensor-enhanced mobile web clients: an XForms approach 

John Barton Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA
Tim Kindberg Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA
Hui Dai Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA
Nissanka B. Priyantha Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA
Fahd Al-bin-ali Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA

International World Wide Web Conference
Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on World Wide Web table of contents
Budapest, Hungary
SESSION: Mobility & wireless access
Pages: 80 - 89
Year of Publication: 2003

This paper describes methods for service selection and service access for mobile, sensor-enhanced web clients such as wireless cameras or wireless PDAs with sensor devices attached. The clients announce their data-creating capabilities in "Produce" headers sent to servers; servers respond with forms that match these capabilities. Clients fill in these forms with sensor data as well as text or file data. The resultant system enables clients to access dynamically discovered services spontaneously, as their users engage in everyday nomadic activities.

My Discussion:
I have to admit having real trouble with the ideas here. The main issue the authors seem to be trying to solve is making it easy for devices to publish their data on the network within a system that builds on the current work in HTTP. Their approach to creating a special header for a client so that the server can tailor a data-input form to the mobile device is novel, and making the client fill in the thus tailored form, and even submit it when appropriate, automatically makes sense when put on top of that. But technically the solution ends up reading like some sort of hack, breaking standards, as they readily admit, and requiring inventing MIME types. Furthermore, it uses the very advanced and useful system of XForms (currently still a W3C recommendation), which means the authors are open to using advanced web-standards, but nary a mention of XML / SOAP, which a) covers machine to machine communication, even with UIs for human intervention b) has far stronger industry support c) is standardized and d) would not require breaking current or extending new standards. No discussions on network speed and reliability, and how those would influence any presented UI or interactions.

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